[Trọn bộ] 100+ câu bài tập thì quá khứ tiếp diễn cơ bản - nâng cao có đáp án
Học tiếng anh

[Trọn bộ] 100+ câu bài tập thì quá khứ tiếp diễn cơ bản - nâng cao có đáp án

Phương Đặng
Phương Đặng

10/06/20223 phút đọc

Mục lục bài viết

Tổng hợp 100+ câu bài tập thì quá khứ tiếp diễn đầy đủ các dạng chia động từ, hoàn thành câu,... và 1 số bài trắc nghiệm giúp bạn ôn tập kiến thức nhanh. Cùng thực hành ngay nào!

Monkey Math
Monkey Junior
Tiếng Anh cho mọi trẻ em
Giá chỉ từ
699.000 VNĐ
1199.000 VNĐ
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Đặc điểm nổi bật
  • Khởi đầu tốt nhất cho con bắt đầu học tiếng Anh. Con học càng sớm càng có lợi thế.
  • Tích lũy 1000+ từ vựng mỗi năm và 6000 mẫu câu tiếng Anh trước 10 tuổi.
  • Linh hoạt sử dụng trên nhiều thiết bị.
Monkey Math
Monkey Stories
Giỏi tiếng anh trước tuổi lên 10
Giá chỉ từ
699.000 VNĐ
1199.000 VNĐ
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Đặc điểm nổi bật
  • Thành thạo các kỹ năng tiếng Anh ngay trước 10 tuổi với hơn 1000 đầu truyện, hơn 100 bài học, 300+ sách nói. Nội dung thêm mới mỗi tuần.
  • Hơn 1.000 đầu truyện, hơn 300 bài học, gần 300 sách nói - thêm mới mỗi tuần.
  • Phát âm chuẩn ngay từ đầu nhờ Monkey Phonics - giúp đánh vần tiếng Anh dễ như tiếng Việt.
Monkey Math
Monkey Math
Học toán
Giá chỉ từ
499.000 VNĐ
832.000 VNĐ
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Đặc điểm nổi bật
  • Tự tin nắm vững môn toán theo Chương trình GDPT mới.
  • Bổ trợ kĩ năng tiếng Anh bên cạnh Toán.
  • Tạo nhiều hồ sơ để cùng học trên 1 tài khoản duy nhất, đồng bộ tiến độ học trên tất cả các thiết bị.
Monkey Math
Học tiếng việt
Giá chỉ từ
399.000 VNĐ
665.000 VNĐ
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Đặc điểm nổi bật
  • Đánh vần chuẩn nhờ học phần Học Vần - cập nhật theo chương trình mới nhất của Bộ GD&ĐT.
  • Đọc - hiểu, chính tả tiếng Việt dễ dàng và nhẹ nhàng hơn ngay tại nhà.
  • Bồi dưỡng trí tuệ cảm xúc (EQ) nhờ hơn 450 câu chuyện thuộc 11 chủ đề, nhiều thể loại truyện.

Tóm tắt ngữ pháp thì quá khứ tiếp diễn

Trước khi luyện tập, bạn học hãy cùng Monkey ôn tập thì quá khứ tiếp diễn qua phần tóm tắt ngữ pháp gồm: công thức, cách dùng và dấu hiệu nhận biết cơ bản. 

Công thức

Loại câu

Cấu trúc

Ví dụ

Khẳng định

S + was/were + V-ing

At 8 o’clock, I was watching TV. 

(Lúc 8h, tôi đang xem ti vi).

Phủ định

S + not + was/were + V-ing

We were not joking. 

(Chúng tôi đã không nói đùa).

Nghi vấn

Was/ Were + S + V-ing ?

  • Yes, S + was/ were.

  • No, S + wasn’t/ weren’t.

Was he playing football while we were doing homework? 

(Anh ấy đã chơi đá bóng trong khi chúng tôi làm bài tập phải không?)

Câu hỏi WH

WH-word + was/ were + S + V-ing?

S + was/ were + V-ing +…

What were they talking about? 

( Họ đã nói về điều gì?)


Cách dùng


Cách dùng

Ví dụ


Diễn tả 1 hành động, sự việc đang xảy ra tại 1 thời điểm trong quá khứ.

At 7am, I was having breakfast with my parents. (Lúc 7h sáng, tôi đang ăn sáng cùng bố mẹ).


Diễn tả hành động xảy ra đồng thời trong quá khứ.

My children were doing homework while I cooked dinner. (Bọn trẻ đang làm bài tập khi tôi nấu bữa tối).


Diễn tả hành động đang xảy ra thì có hành động, sự việc khác xen vào.

When I cooked dinner, my husband and children were playing together.

(Khi tôi nấu bữa tối, chồng và các con tôi đang chơi cùng nhau).


Đề cập hành động được lặp lại nhiều lần trong quá khứ và làm phiền hoặc khiến người khác khó chịu.

My sister was always forgetting something after she gave birth. 

(Chị gái tôi luôn quên mọi thứ sau khi cô ấy sinh con).

Dấu hiệu nhận biết

Một số dấu hiệu nhận biết thì quá khứ tiếp diễn thông qua cụm trạng từ và từ chỉ thời gian:

  • At + giờ + thời gian trong quá khứ. (at 8p.m yesterday,…)

  • At this time + thời gian trong quá khứ. (at this time last week, at the moment last month,…)

  • In + năm (in 2019, in 2020)

  • In the past.

  • When (khi) khi diễn tả hành động xen vào.

  • While (trong khi) khi nói về hành động xảy ra song song.

Tham khảo đầy đủ 13 thì trong tiếng anh tại đây:

[Chi tiết] 13 thì trong tiếng anh: Công thức, cách dùng & dấu hiệu nhận biết?

Bài tập thì quá khứ tiếp diễn có đáp án 

Trong phần này, bạn học hãy cùng thử sức với chuỗi bài tập về thì quá khứ tiếp diễn gồm 2 cấp độ cơ bản và nâng cao. Sau khi hoàn thành, bạn hãy đối chiếu đáp án cuối bài nhé!

Bài tập về thì quá khứ tiếp diễn cơ bản (Beginner) 

Bài 1: Chọn từ thích hợp và cho dạng đúng để hoàn thành câu











Yesterday at noon….

1. I ___________ a film.

2. My father ___________ a bath.

3. You ___________ English.

4. The crows ___________ .

5. Sara ___________ chess.

6. The duck ___________ .

7. It ___________ .

8. We ___________ to music.

9. A butterfly ___________ .

10. Carol and Jim ___________ 

Bài 2: Hoàn thành câu với Was/ Were?

When my dad arrived…..

1. I ___________ riding my bike.

2. The mechanic ___________ repairing the car.

3. You ___________ sleeping in your bedroom.

4. The children ___________ playing tennis.

5. My mum ___________ reading a book.

6. The cat ___________ chasing a mouse.

7. It ___________ snowing a lot. 

8. The birds ___________ singing.

9. Lucy ___________ talking on the phone.

10. The dogs ___________ running.

Bài 3: Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc

1. When I phoned my friends, they (play) _____________ monopoly.

2. Yesterday at six I (prepare)  _____________ dinner.

3. The kids (play) _____________ in the garden when it suddenly began to rain.

4. I (practice) _____________ the guitar when he came home.

5. We (not / cycle) _____________ all day.

6. While Alan (work) _____________ in his room, his friends (swim) _____________ in the pool.

7. I tried to tell them the truth but they (not / listen) _____________  .

8. What (you / do) _____________ yesterday?

9. Most of the time we (sit) _____________ in the park.

10. I (listen) _____________ to the radio while my sister (watch) TV.

11. When I arrived, They (play) _____________ cards.

12. We (study) _____________ English yesterday at 4:00 pm.

Bài 4: Viết hoàn thành câu cho đúng

Yesterday at 6 pm your family were doing different things. Write positive sentences in past progressive.

1. My mother / read / a novel 


2. My father / watch / a movie 


3. My elder sister / writing / in her diary 


4. My two brothers / listen / to the radio 


5. My little sister and I / not / watch / a movie 


6. We / talk / about school 


Bài 5: Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc

1. The girls _____________ (play) cards.

2. Greg _____________ (look) for his wallet.

3. Mr Miller _____________ (not wash) his car.

4. Susan _____________ (do) her homework.

5. They _____________ (not play) football yesterday afternoon.

6. I _____________ (wait) for her in the park.

7. Carol and I _____________ (have) dinner when he arrived.

8. We _____________ (play) the guitar when she entered.

9. Tom _____________ (not swim) in the pool.

10. The boys _____________ (cycle) home from school.

11. She _____________ (work) in her office.

12. I _____________ (not study) the new words.

13. Ann _____________ (lie) on the beach.

14. We _____________ (sit) on the bench for a long time.

15. He _____________ (phone) his aunt.

Bài tập thì quá khứ nâng cao với QKTD và QKĐ (Intermediate & Advanced)

Bài 6: Hoàn thành câu với từ gợi ý 

1. When I __________ to school, I __________ John. (walk/see)

2. When I __________ in the kitchen, Mary __________ . (help/come)

3. While she __________  the soup, the children __________ . (cook/play)

4. While they __________ cards, the baby __________ . (play/sleep)

5. When I __________ in the garden, my uncle __________ . (work/call)

6. Carol __________ TV while Bob and Peter __________ football. (watch/play)

7. When she __________ her hair, the baby __________ to cry. (wash/begin)

8. A strong wind __________ when the plane. (blow/land)

9. When she __________ tennis, it __________ to rain. (play/began)

10. When I __________ TV, the lights __________ out. (watch/go)

11. While he __________ the piano, she  __________ to him. (play/listen)

12. While she __________ up her room, he __________ his car. (tidy/wash)

13. The boys __________ in the garden while she __________ the flowers. (help/water)

14. He __________ Mary when he __________ through the park. (meet/walk)

15. We __________ computer games while she __________ a book. (play/read)

16. They __________ (have) tea when the doorbell __________ (ring).

17.Father __________ (smoke) his pipe while mother __________ (read) a magazine.

18. While he __________ (mow) the lawn, it __________ (start) to rain.

19. He __________ (have) breakfast when the toaster __________ (blow) up.

20. When I __________ (come) into the office, my boss __________ (wait) for me.

21. When we __________ (see) Brian, he __________ (drive) a taxi.

22. Father __________ (wait) in the car while mother __________ (do) the shopping.

23. When he __________ (arrive), we __________ (have) dinner.

24. While they __________ (play) chess, we __________ (go) shopping.

25. They __________ (have) a party while he __________ (sleep).

26. He __________ (take) a photo when I __________ (feed) the ducks.

27. They __________ (play) football when the lights in the stadium __________ (go) out.

28. While George and John __________ (clean) their room, she __________ (do) the ironing.

29. Sam __________ (do) the ironing when Jack __________ (phone) her.

30. We __________ (wait) at Victoria station when the train __________ (arrive).

Bài 7: Điền từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống

It was Sunday afternoon. I ________ (1) a cookery program on TV when I ________ (2) how hungry I was. But of course I was hungry; I ________ (3) anything since lunch, and I ________ (4) a race in the morning. “Biscuits!” I ________ (5). My mother  ________ (6) me a jar of delicious home-made biscuits. I ________  (7) into the kitchen, ________ (8) the fridge and ________  (9) some milk in a big glass. Then I ________  (10) for the kitchen chair but it ________ (11) there: somebody ________ (12) it away. And there were no biscuits in the biscuit jar: somebody ________ (13) them all! I was sure I ________ (14) the jar there the previous day, and I ________ (15) only one cookie. It was very strange. A few minutes later, I ________ (16) my glass of milk when I ________ (17) a loud noise coming from the dining room. I ________ (18) there quickly and I ________ (19) the door. I couldn’t believe my eyes. An enormous monkey ________ (20) the biscuits excitedly on the kitchen chair.

1. A. had watched                             B.watched                               C. was watching

2. A. realised                                      B. was realising                       C. had realised

3. A. hadn’t eaten                             B. was eating                          C. ate

4. A. was running                             B. had run                                C. ran

5. A. had thought                             B. thouhgt                                C. was thinking

6. A. had given                                  B. was giving                           C. gave

7. A. was going                                  B. had gone                             C. went

8. A. was opening                             B. had opened                        C. opened

9. A. was pouring                              B. had poured                         C. poured

10. A. was looking                             B. had looked                           C. looked

11. A. wasn’t being                            B. hadn’t been                          C. wasn’t

12. A. was taking                               B. took                                         C. had taken

13. A. ate                                              B. had eaten                              C. was eating

14. A. was putting                             B. had put                                  C. put

15. A. was eating                               B. had eaten                              C. ate

16. A. was drinking                           B. drank                                      C. had drunk

17. A. heard                                         B. was hearing                          C. had heard

18. A. was going                                B. went                                       C. had gone

19. A. was opening                           B. had opened                          C. opened

20. A. ate                                             B. had eaten                             C. was eating

Bài 8: Hoàn thành đoạn văn với các từ gợi ý

This story is based on true events that _______ (happen) many, many years ago in Scotland. One day, Mr Clark _______ (walk) home with a smile on his face. He _______ (carry) something very valuable in his hand: tickets for a long, long journey.

After many years working and saving, Mr Clark _______ (save) all the money he needed to take all his family to the United States. Earlier that afternoon he _______ (buy) all the tickets that now he _______ (hold) in his hand. It was the opportunity of their lives. “The United States of America,” he repeated aloud just to see how nice it _______ (sound) in his ears.

A few days before their departure, Mr Clark’s son _______ (play) in the street when a dog _______ (bite) him. The doctor _______ (go) to their home and _______ (treat) the child’s wound. Then he _______ (hang) a yellow sheet on their front door. That yellow sheet meant that they _______ (just/be) quarantined. They _______ (have) to stay at home for two weeks because of the possibility of rabies.

Five days later, Mr Clark was at the docks. He _______ (leave) the house and now he _______ (watch) their ship leave to the United States without him or his family. When the ship _______ (disappear) in the horizon, he _______ (stand up) and _______ (go) back home, crying.

A few days later, the tragic news spread throughout Scotland - the mighty Titanic _______ (sink), taking hundreds of lives with it.

Đáp án bài tập về thì quá khứ tiếp diễn

Bài 1:

1. was watching

2. was having

3. were studying

4. were eating

5. was playing

6. were swimming

7. was raining

8. were listening

9. was flying

10. were dancing


Bài 2:

1. was 

2. was 

3. were 

4. were 

5. was 

6. was

7. was 

8. were 

9. was 

10. were 


Bài 3:

1. were playing

2. was preparing

3. were playing

4. was practicing

5. were not cycling / weren't cycling

6. was working - were swimming

7. were not listening 

8. were you doing

9. were sitting

10. were listening - was watching

11. were playing

12. were studying


Bài 4:

1. My mother was reading a novel.

2. My father was watching a movie.

3. My elder sister was writing in her diary.

4. My two brothers were listening to the radio.

5. My little sister and I were not watching a movie.

6. We were talking about school.

Bài 5:

1. were playing

2. was looking

3. was not washing

4. was doing

5. were not playing

6. was waiting

7. were having

8. were playing

9. was not swimming

10. were cycling

11. was working

12. was not studying

13. was lying

14. were sitting

15. was phoning


Bài 6:

1. was walking - saw

2. was helping - came

3. was cooking - were playing

4. were playing - was sleeping

5. was working - called

6. was watching - were playing

7. was washing - began

8. was blowing - landed

9. was playing - began

10.  was watching - went

11. was playing - was listening

12. was tidying - was washing

13. were helping - was watering

14. met - was walking

15. were playing - was reading

16. were having - rang

17. was smoking - was reading

18. was mowing - started

19. was having - blew

20. came - was waiting

21. saw - was driving

22. was waiting - was doing

23. arrived - were having

24. were playing - were going

25. were having - was sleeping

26. took - was feeding

27. were playing - went

28. were cleaning - was doing

29. was doing - phoned

30. were waiting - arrived

Bài 7:

1. C

2. A

3. A

4. B

5. B

6. A

7. C

8. C

9. C

10. C

11. C

12. C

13. B

14. B

15. B

16. A

17. A

18. B

19. C

20. C

Bài 8:

1. happened

2. was walking

3. was carrying

4. had saved

5. had bought

6. was holding

7. sounded

8. was playing

9. bit

10. went

11. treated

12. hung

13. had just been

14. had 

15. had left

16. was watching

17. disappeared

18. stood up

19. went

20. had sunk

Tổng hợp ngữ pháp và bài tập thì quá khứ tiếp diễn trên đây sẽ giúp bạn nắm chắc kiến thức thì này nếu rèn luyện thường xuyên. Hãy thực hành thật nhiều và theo dõi các bài học tiếp theo của Monkey để tiến bộ hơn nhé!

Chúc các bạn học tốt!

Past continuous - Ngày truy cập: 30/05/2022 

Grammar Exercises - Past Continuous / Progressive - Ngày truy cập: 30/05/2022 

Past Progressive Tense - Ngày truy cập: 30/05/2022

B1 Grammar lessons and exercises - Ngày truy cập: 30/05/2022

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